
Our methodology

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Call for Projects
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Projects in Belgium

The actions of the Foundation P&V are aimed mainly at young people and are designed to help put an end to all forms of exclusion. They encourage new forms of solidarity between and with young people from all over Belgium (from Flanders, Brussels and the Walloon provinces), by developing participation projects and activities under the banner of active citizenship and social integration. The Foundation P&V hopes in this way to contribute to an inclusive society in which all young people can participate fully.

Projects in Europe

Between 1999 and 2016, the European network of the foundations for Social Economy  brings together numerous foundations keen to bring about a process of social transformation within the European Union. PEFONDES has developed new, cross-border synergy opportunities and encouraging social innovation, active citizenship and social entrepreneurship for young people. In ten years, PEFONDES has carried out a number of projects supported by the European Commission covering the fields of intercultural dialogue and that of the economic and social integration of young people.
Project KEEP - Key Engaging Educational Practices

The Erasmus+ program aims to support actions in the fields of education, training, youth and sport for the period 2021-2027. It helps organizations to work in international partnerships and to excha...

24 January 2023

Posted in: Projects in Europe

Connecting You(th). Phase II: Call for projects

Connecting You(th) Do we still meet or do we live mostly in our own bubbles? In recent years, we have seen a growing gap in society, especially depending on the level and type of education. ...

12 March 2022

Posted in: Connecting YouthProjects in Belgium

Connecting You(th). Overcoming divisions in society

The Foundation P&V fights against the exclusion of young people. In our current society, two separate groups (of youngsters) seem to have formed and seem to live next to each other. Thes...

3 September 2021

Posted in: Connecting YouthProjects in Belgium

Project call Guiding Youth

With the project call "Guiding Youth", the P&V Foundation wants to support good practices of organisations in the field of school and out-of-school guidance of socially vulnerable young people a...

6 October 2020

Posted in: Projects in BelgiumDigital gap

Project Call Linking Youth Up

The Corona crisis has a major impact on our daily lives, but the current situation and measures have an even greater impact on vulnerable children and young people. Even more than before the crisis,...

2 October 2020

Posted in: Projects in BelgiumDigital gap

Reducing the digital gap

The budget of one million euros released by the P&V Group has made it possible to support 66 associations throughout Belgium and has enabled 1,300 young people to receive a new computer and guid...

26 September 2020

Posted in: Projects in BelgiumDigital gap

Final event "My Future, Our Society"

On 8 May 2019, the P&V Foundation organised a conference at 10 am in Brussels to conclude its extensive research and action programme on collective action of young peopl...

8 May 2019

Posted in: Projects in BelgiumExpectations of the future

Debate 2018 (R)Evolution @ Work

Following the success of our first two editions, the P&V Foundation organized a new conference-debate this year around the theme of work (and its future), the influence of robotization / compute...

13 June 2018

Posted in: Projects in BelgiumConferences & debates

The P&V Foundation supports a Bozar initiative

We are pleased to support a Bozar initiative for youth called "Next Generation Please!" Next Generation, Please! brings together, for t...

30 November 2017

Posted in: Projects in Belgium

With the support of logo pv group