Citizen / Interculturality / Dialogue

From September 2008 to May 2009, within the scope of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue, the European Network of the Foundations for Social Economy (PEFONDES) spearheaded the project Culture/Interculturality/Dialogue. In order to create a European space for reflection, the 5 countries taking part each organised 5 discussion workshops bringing together citizens, on their own specific themes.

The CVS NGO, in Great Britain, looked into the perception of the interculturality concept by young people so as to overcome obstacles resulting from nationalist knee-jerk reactions.

The EAES Foundation, based in Andalusia, which was formerly a place of emigration but which today welcomes a whole host of migrants, worked on the factors which facilitate integration.

In France, the MACIF Foundation chose to put three measures for integration forward for discussion: employment, a diversity policy within companies, and the participation of citizens.

The PACT Foundation, in Romania, used as a basis the lack of knowledge surrounding the Roma culture to explain discrimination and marginalisation/self-marginalisation of this population.

In Belgium, the P&V Foundation created a meeting and dialogue space for French speakers and Dutch speakers where everyone could express their differences and learn to get to know and communicate with the other.

A guide presenting the project and its conclusions is available in English and French and 2 newsletters have been published

24 November 2009

With the support of logo pv group