Early school leaving & youth unemployment

The Foundation P&V combats the exclusion of young people. Numerous researchers in Belgium and abroad have concluded that the lack of skills and employment qualifications are significant sources of exclusion and a cause of future social marginalisation. Early school leaving and a lack of qualifications generally result in precarious work situations and long-term unemployment, as well as ever longer transitional periods between education and employment. This is a major social problem in Europe and Belgium, particularly in certain regions and major cities and among some minority groups.

Accordingly, the Foundation P&V has launched a far-reaching multi-annual research/action programma, to be implemented from 2012 to 2014 and covering various stages:

  • The sharing of scientific knowledge and ideas on the causes of and possible solutions for the lack of suitable skills, unemployment among unqualified young people and, in particular, long-term youth unemployment.
  • An increase in this knowledge based on expert opinions and experience, plus the identification of policies and projects able to contribute effectively to resolving the identified problems.
  • The promotion of these policies and sharing of the initiatives and projects thus determined.

Our objectives

  • Compile the most recent and relevant knowledge on the subject.
  • Identify and analyse the causes and processes of youth exclusion, define the extent of the problem and establish hypotheses.
  • Propose specific projects and solutions to be implemented and provide these with support.
  • Encourage the social integration of the young via suitable qualifications and employment.

Phase I - Research (2012 - 2013)

Foundation P&V Price for research on integration of young people excluded by early school leaving and unemployment

A call for scientific contributions was launched in 2012. Of the 40 articles submitted the 9 best were selected by an international jury to be awarded a EUR 1,500 prize.  Moreover, these articles were published in a book.

The phase was marked by:

Publication of winning articles in

  • De Groof, Saskia & Elchardus, Mark (Eds.) (2013). Early school leaving & youth unemployment. Tielt & Amsterdam: LannooCampus & Amsterdam University Press

Preparatory working groups

  • Preparatory working groups with Belgian experts were formed in order to prepare the European conference, the call for projects and the policy recommendations.

European conference (7 and 8 march 2013)

  • This conference aimed to introduce the work of the 9 laureates, as well as to identify solutions, good practices and policy recommendations.

Phase II - Call for projects (2013)

A call for projects was developed and launched in 2013. The 6 most innovative and efficient projects were selected to being supported by the P&V Foundation.

More information about the laureates here.

Phase III – Action (2014 – 2015)

The 6 projects were monitored and evaluated during a year. A second and last conference that closes the project on early school leaving and youth unemployment was organized on 8 May 2015.

2 February 2012

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