Project call Guiding Youth

What is it about?

With the project call "Guiding Youth", the P&V Foundation wants to support good practices of organisations in the field of school and out-of-school guidance of socially vulnerable young people and/or in their transition to the labour market. 

The corona crisis has simultaneously demonstrated the possibilities and limits of the digital. The lack of basic computer equipment increases inequality among young people. Distance learning and homework also favour the most dedicated students at school and those who are best followed at home. At the start of the new school year, it appears that the education gap is wide and some young people may not be able to catch up with the delays they have incurred. As an extension of the Linking Youth Up call, a budget of €300,000 was therefore allocated to the Guiding Youth call for good practices to provide more pervasive support and follow-up for socially vulnerable young people in their school careers or job searches.

Within Guiding Youth, 19 good practices from across Belgium are financially supported. These organisations have strong relationships of trust with socially vulnerable young people and families. All organisations faced the great challenge of adapting quickly and efficiently to the new health situation in order to maintain contact with their young people and families: via phone, WhatsApp, Facebook, video calls, online formations, pavement visits, walks in the park... 

With this financial support, these organisations will be able to continue to offer personalised counselling and follow-up to vulnerable young people in the coming school year, even if they have to switch back to digital or alternative counselling.

Results of the call

List of organisations supported within the Guiding Youth call.

Education & orientation of pupils

Name of non-profit: ToekomstAtelierDelAvenir (TADA)
Project title: A weekend school that combats school drop-out and prevents NEETs by intensively guiding vulnerable young people and putting them in contact with role models from a variety of professional sectors
Description: TADA is a bilingual non-profit organisation that involves citizens and businesses in the emancipation of socially vulnerable young people and their environment. At TADA, these young people (from 5th grade to 1st year of secondary education) become aware of their abilities and discover society through practical lessons, voluntarily given by passionate professionals such as entrepreneurs, nurses and lawyers. The goal? Eliminate learning disadvantage and educational inequality and prevent school dropouts and NEETs. On top of that, TADA wants to encourage everyone to take individual responsibility for a more inclusive society.
Location: Brussels (NL/FR)

Name of non-profit: Talentatelier voor Jongeren (TAJO)
Project title: Widening access to TAJO activities: start-up in the deprived neighbourhoods Rabot & Brugse Poort in Ghent
Description: The aim is to start a three-year programme of Saturday activities for two diverse groups of 25 vulnerable young people each (from 5th grade to 1st secondary) from 9 different schools from 2 neighbourhoods (Brugse Poort and Rabot). This through meaningful TAJO activities (4 experiential workshops per Saturday, voluntarily taught by passionate professionals, and 1 excursion per month) to develop their talents and facilitate integration into society. Through the experiential workshops, they offer young people new perspectives and support them in developing a positive self-image. This allows them to make choices and develop their talents from self-confidence. 
Location: Ghent    

Name of non-profit: Kompanjon    
Project title: Buddy@School. Buddies for newcomer children making the transition to secondary school
Description: The "Buddy@school 1.2" project supports newcomer children making the transition to secondary school. The aim is to contribute to a positive choice and orientation process by focusing on language development, study guidance, talent exploration, stimulating motivation and wellbeing, strengthening digital literacy and study skills. Parents of these children are also empowered through advice and information on their child's education. Support is provided at home by social work, remedial education and teacher training students. Kompanjon vzw and the Karel de Grote Hogeschool combine the expertise acquired with regard to the target group, the methodology, the guidance and coaching of students and the cooperation with a number of schools. The aim is for Buddy@School to grow into a sustainable practice for this specific target group.
Location: Antwerp

Name of non-profit: Lead    
Project title: Parcours Déclic    
Description: Parcours Déclic is a programme spread over two school years. It is organised around a series of workshops and activities and aims to help socially vulnerable young people between the ages of 14 and 19 to strengthen and build their school pathway and professional future and strengthen their transversal skills. Company visits with meetings of some professionals complement the training programme. The second year, participants are coached to carry out a personal or collective project. They receive a diploma from the Déclic Academy. The young people then become alumni of the programme, form the Déclic Community and become ambassadors/role models for the next young people.
Location: Brussels

Tutoring & homework assistance

Name of non-profit: Schola ULB    
Project title: The tutoring programme, success for all!
Description: The tutoring programme aims to help students with learning difficulties with their studies and make them want to go to school again. Higher education students are recruited to provide free quality support in primary and secondary schools in the Brussels-Capital Region. The project, founded in 1989, has supported 2350 students in 105 partner schools this year thanks to the mobilisation of 410 student tutors. The aim of this project is to adapt the tutoring programme to the digital challenges during this corona crisis, while meeting the fundamental need for remediation that has become greater following the spring 2020 lockdown. To this end, 100% virtual tutoring sessions will be implemented in 2020-2021 for high school students, with specific educational guidance for the tutors.
Location: Brussels

Name of non-profit: La Teignouse AMO    
Project title: Tutoring to grow
Description: The tutoring system is a way of keeping young people on board by bringing a young person aged 18 to 25 and a teenager aged 12 to 16 together individually for one hour of tutoring per week. The project enables young people to take an active and responsible role in their education and give everyone a chance to make it. It is a project by young people for young people, the success of the project depends on each of them and both 'parties' are supported and empowered in their competences in different ways. The tutorship provides a framework and a more organised and collective response to requests made to the NPO around remediation.
Location: 11 communes of Ourthe-Amblève-Condroz

Name of non-profit: Scientothèque    
Project title: Digit'link    
Description: This project aims to reduce the digital divide that particularly affects young people from precarious backgrounds. It covers both access to computer equipment and the development of skills to use digital tools. The target group is young people aged 12 to 20 who attend the non-profit organisation's homework classes and take their STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) workshops. Moreover, due to their expertise in digital technology, they are very regularly approached by other associations to train animators, as well as conduct workshops and internships. This support enables them to meet this demand and thus increase their impact. 
Location: Brussels

Support for teachers & parents

Name of non-profit: Teach for Belgium    
Project title: Everyone on board with hybrid learning    
Description: The COVID-19 crisis confronted pupils, teachers and schools with a new type of education (so-called distance learning) that often meant a total disconnection from school for socioeconomically vulnerable pupils and families, posing a high risk of learning disadvantages and early school leaving. To address this, they want to strengthen their teachers in hybrid teaching of socially vulnerable pupils on the one hand, and scale up good practices around this to the wider Belgian educational landscape on the other.​​​​​​​
Location: Belgium: Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent, ...

Name of non-profit: De Schoolbrug    
Project title: Closing the digital divide together
Description: The corona crisis has shown that media literacy and digital literacy of parents are indispensable to ensure equal educational opportunities for children. With the Digital School Bridge, they aim to bridge the gap between parents and school and break the digital isolation of vulnerable families. To this end, they work with e-inclusion partner organisations that can strengthen parents' basic digital skills in school contexts. They do this both in families at home and at school. At the same time, we work out an inclusive e-policy with the school.  
Location: Antwerp

Extracurricular activities: sport

Name of non-profit: BX Represents
Project title: BX collectieve impact programme
Description: BX Represent is a socio-sports initiative founded in 2013 by Vincent Kompany. BX Represent focuses on low-threshold access to sport and increases the positive impact of sports clubs in terms of social cohesion, self-development, language and employment. Amateur sport is a strong unifying factor in urban working-class neighbourhoods. They are local, long-term and intense relationships that can have an impact on the health, formation and networking of this neighbourhood community with a focus on children and young people.
Location: Brussels

Name of non-profit: City Pirates    
Project title: Pirates stay the course! ​​​​​​​
Description: City Pirates is a social football project. They currently accompany 1,300 young people and their families and have work locations in five different complex neighbourhoods in Antwerp. The neighbourhoods are often known for their multitude of complicating factors such as (generational) poverty, unemployment, school dropout, crime and addiction problems. As a social project, they seek to create an environment where young people have the opportunity to discover and develop their talents, both inside and outside football. The social commitment is expressed through various social actions such as home visits, school visits, homework support at the club, competence workshops, European exchange projects, guiding young people and parents to (student) work and community work through community squares.
Location: Antwerp

Name of non-profit: Molenbeek Rebels Basketball    
Project title: Tailor-made training path with objectives around talent development, obtaining a diploma or acquiring competences outside education, and a commitment in the club, which is managed and organised by the girls themselves
Description: They offer vulnerable girls the opportunity to enter a training pathway through basketball with objectives around personal development, obtaining a diploma, training outside education, projects and volunteering inside and outside the club, supported by a multidisciplinary tailor-made counselling that includes evaluation and communication, individual counselling, family counselling, study coaching and pathway to work.
Location: Molenbeek

Extracurricular activities: youth work

Name of non-profit: LEJO
Project title: Presence at school​​​​​​​
Description: The corona era has made it even clearer that the well-being of young people (school, home, friends) is essential to achieve (home) learning. The survey for the youth and children's rights policy plan shows that young people lack attention from school about their general well-being. There is also a gap between teachers' lifeworlds and their own; young people lack dialogue and do not feel heard. Many schools and teachers are at a loss about building rapport with children and young people. Youth workers can make a difference here, from their relationship of trust with young people. With this project, they want a youth worker in Boom to simply be present in schools at break times to support young people around their wellbeing.
Location: Boom

Name of non-profit: Nakama
Project title: Youth Matters
Description: Nakama is Japanese for "friend, comrade, companion" and that is what the young people of Nakama asbl want to be for the generations to come. The aim of the project is to deploy 1 or 2 social workers (young themselves) in schools to make contacts with young people and bring out their needs. Using a peer-to-peer approach, they want to identify the needs in terms of tutoring and leisure activities and guide them to the right structures (sports club, youth house, homework assistance, etc.) if needed. 
Location: Brussels

Name of non-profit: Mobile School    
Project title: Development and implementation of I am StreetSmart: an app for young people to monitor their personal well-being and communicate with professionals​​​​​​​
Description: The already developed StreetSmart Impact app is a tool that enables youth workers and professionals to plan, monitor and measure the impact of interventions with socially vulnerable young people. Moreover, StreetSmart Impact offers an integrated case management solution. With the complementary app for young people, I am StreetSmart, young people step into this system allowing them to take control of their process together with youth workers, enter data and see evolutions. This also allows youth work to continue online when face-to-face contact is not possible.
Location: 13 Flemish central cities

Access to the labour market

Name of non-profit: Duo for a job    
Project title: Empowering through mentoring
Description: DUO for a JOB organises intercultural and intergenerational mentoring by putting young jobseekers with an immigrant background in contact with people aged over 50 so that the latter can support them in their socio-professional integration. More specifically, with this project, DUO for a JOB aims to reach young people aged between 18 and 25, without a recognised diploma or with a low level of education. Indeed, the Covid-19 crisis has confronted these young people, who were already vulnerable, with new difficulties: loss of income, loss of social ties and direct contact with support structures, etc. The project aims to provide 20 of these young people with the individual support of a mentor for 6 months, in order to work adequately on the personal difficulties they face, while giving them access to employment, making them more self-reliant and resilient for the future.​​​​​​​
Location: Bruxelles, Liège, Ghent, Antwerp, Mechelen 

Name of non-profit: YouthStart    
Project title: Grow talent, make dreams come true!   
Description: YouthStart is an organisation that focuses on strengthening capacities in socially vulnerable young people between 16 and 30 across Belgium. During an eight-day training for a group of 10-15 young people, they discover their talents and work on the project of their dreams. The training is completely free for the young people. They develop (digital) skills, attitudes and the necessary self-confidence to take control of their own future. Every year, YouthStart reaches an average of 814 young people. With this project, YouthStart wants to activate as many NEET young people as possible by finding permanent employment, starting studies that increase their chances on the labour market or starting up as self-employed. In this way, young people become entrepreneurs of their own lives.​​​​​​​
Location: Belgium: Brussels, Flanders and Wallonia

Name of non-profit: Perspectives    
Project title: Orientation to technical professions for young NEETs (not in education, employment or training)​​​​​​​
Description: During a period of up to 6 months, each young trainee participates several times in an "ongoing" training course (given by an apprentice tutor) for one week or in an internship in a company, in a technical field of their choice. The number of times a young person may get a taste of a profession is unlimited. The guidance coach organises a follow-up discussion each time. Gradually, the young person's vocational orientation becomes clearer, making the young person aware of his strengths, his skills to be strengthened and what really motivates him.​​​​​​​
Location: Flémalle and environs

Name of non-profit: Rising You    
Project title: ConTrainer    
Description: ConTrainer is a programme of several weeks in which young newcomers are supported in building their (new) identity, social fabric and developing the Dutch language. With 'ConTrainers', together with young newcomers, they build a community and a place for sporting encounters: old harbour containers are converted into an inviting sports spot in the city. The young people will have a say in the entire development of the sports container, which will have a visible and connecting role within the urban fabric once completed. Under the guidance of committed professionals who are very proud of their craft and want to pass on this passion (e.g. carpentry, welding, etc.), they offer perspective in a process lasting several weeks, help bring talents to the surface and together realise this unique sports container. From a common interest in sport, they bring young people into contact with each other and guide them towards a (technical) education or profession.
Location: Antwerp, Leuven en Ghent

6 October 2020

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