
Press reports: Young adults expectations of the future

30 June 2015

Posted in: Press

Press release: Young adults expectations of the future

30 June 2015

Posted in: Press

Beyond the narrative of decline

Auteur: ELCHARDUS Mark Date: 2015 Notre société est prise dans une spirale négative. Ce sentiment est fortement ancré dans l'esprit de 2 000 jeunes ad...

30 June 2015

Posted in: Publications

Early school leaving & youth unemployment - Phase III Final conference

On 8 May 2015, the P&V Foundation has organised a conference in Brussels that closes its vast programme of research action on the integration of young people who have been excluded by early scho...

9 May 2015

Posted in: Projects in BelgiumEarly school leaving

Citizenship award 2014: Reinhilde Decleir en Ho Chul Chantraine

In 2014, the Citizenship Award went to two individuals who are daily active in providing opportunities for full social participation to socially vulnerable groups: Reinhilde Decleir...

20 November 2014

Posted in: Citizenship award

Early school leaving & youth unemployment - Phase II Project Call

Early school leaving and youth unemployment: the foundation p&v has awarded 6 innovative and efficient projects On 19 February 2014 the 6 projects were presented that will receive a gran...

21 February 2014

Posted in: Projects in BelgiumEarly school leaving

Citizenship award 2013: Jan Goossens

Jan Goossens has been artistic director of the Royal Flemish Theatre in Brussels since 2001. From a strong social commitment, he has led the KVS to become a contemporary city theatre with an open ey...

20 November 2013

Posted in: Citizenship award

Early school leaving & youth unemployment

Author : DE GROOF Saskia and ELCHARDUS Mark Published : 2013 Early school leaving & youth unemployment is the result of an intern...

30 June 2013

Posted in: Publications

Early school leaving & youth unemployment - Phase I Conference

Brussels, 7-8 March 2013 In 2012, the « Prize for research on integration of young people excluded by early school leaving and unemployment » was launched, which aimed to re...

8 March 2013

Posted in: Projects in BelgiumEarly school leaving

Citizenship award 2012: Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish

Izzeldin Abuelaish (1955), often referred to as “the Gaza Doctor” in foreign media, is a Palestinian medical doctor and infertility specialist who has dedicated his life to peace in...

31 December 2012

Posted in: Citizenship award

How do I see my world in 2030?

Let young people have their say and find out what they think of the future ! This is the objective of the "How do I see my universe in 2030 ?" project, launched in January 2010 by the P&...

24 May 2012

Posted in: Projects in BelgiumGO 2030

Early school leaving & youth unemployment

The Foundation P&V combats the exclusion of young people. Numerous researchers in Belgium and abroad have concluded that the lack of skills and employment quali...

2 February 2012

Posted in: Projects in BelgiumEarly school leaving

With the support of logo pv group