Citizenship award 2017: Sir Paul Collier

On Tuesday 28 November 2017, the P&V Foundation presented its Citizenship Award for the 13th year in a row. This prize is awarded annually to individuals, initiatives or organisations in Belgium or abroad who have shown exemplary commitment to an open, democratic and tolerant society.

This year, the jury chose an academic personality with international recognition, specialising in development and migration issues. Sir Paul Collier reconciles outstanding academic work with a strong and pragmatic commitment to greater equality and social justice in the world. In at least three areas, he has also shown strong social commitment: economic development in Africa, poverty reduction and refugee issues.

Born 23 April 1949. Grew up in Sheffield. Director of the Development Research Group at the World Bank between 1998 and 2003.

Professor of Economics and Public Policy at the Blavatnik School of Governement at the University of Oxford.
Professeur invité at the Science Po in Paris. 
Director of the International Growth Centre.

Conducts research on issues including the causes and consequences of civil war, the effects of development aid and democracy problems in low-income, resource-rich countries, and urbanisation in Africa.

Was knighted in 2014 for his deep commitment to promoting research and policy change in Africa.

Published several books, including international bestsellers such as The Bottom Billion (2007), Exodus: How migration is changing our world (2013) and with fellow professor Alexander Betts Refuge: Transforming a Broken Refugee System (2017).

(Download PDF Laureate 2017)

30 June 2017

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