Beyond the narrative of decline

Auteur: ELCHARDUS Mark
Date: 2015
Editeur: Lanoo Campus
Langues : French and dutch

Our society is in a downward spiral of decline. This feeling is clearly evident among the 2,000 young adults who were interviewed for this book. In his book, "Beyond the Narrative of Decline", sociologist Mark Elchardus analyses this widespread and persistent feeling, the belief that our prosperity and wellbeing are disappearing, that everything of value is being lost.

But, luckily, it's not all doom and gloom. Quite the opposite, in fact. When it comes to their own personal dreams for the future, young adults are extremely positive. The book describes their lives, their concerns and their dreams. It points to a new society with new opportunities. And yet... This generation is anxious. These young adults are overwhelmed by the decline in society and feel powerless to do anything about it.

Please note, however, that this book is not an exercise in pessimism; it's an unashamed plea for and precursor to a policy of hope, engagement and progress. As always, beyond the decline is the way forward.

The book is available from your local bookshop or from Lanoo Campus

30 June 2015

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