My Future, Our Society - Call for projects

A new study on young adults’ expectations of the future was launched in 2013 by the VUB in cooperation with Foundation P&V. You can find out more about the results and related projects below.

A call for projects on collective action among young people

Only 16% of young adults count on politics to help them solve their problems or realize their dreams. To combat this "political alienation", the P&V Foundation launched a long-term project that aims to reconcile young people with social commitment and politics in the broad sense. This by showing that through collective action they can solve personal problems or realise dreams.

On 8th May 2019, the 8 laureates presented their results during our Final Event! Two debates and other workshops are organised.

Political alienation

Only 16% of young adults count on politics to help them solve their problems or realize their dreams. They rely mainly on themselves, their families and a good portion of happiness.

However, politics loses its meaning if people do not realise that a good job, a comfortable home, a pleasant neighbourhood, safe streets, help with illness, ... are very strongly bound to collective conditions (see: Beyond the Narrative of Decline).

To counter this "political alienation", the new multi-year project of the P&V Foundation wanted to reconcile young people and young adults with social commitment and politics in the broad sense. This by showing that through collective action they can solve personal problems and realise their wishes.

Call for projects

In May 2016 we therefore launched a call for organisations in the broad sense (non-profit organisations, schools, actual associations...) that work with and for young people. Organisations also that, voluntarily and collectively, wanted to set up a project to find a solution for a problem that the young people had to deal with or to realise a dream. This in the areas of work, health, habitat, mobility, education, etc.

Our general objective: to make young people and young adults aware that through collective action, and in dialogue with other actors including (local) authorities and public institutions, they can solve personal problems or realise their wishes. In addition, with this project we hoped to make the political institutions more responsive to the problems and wishes of young people.

Click here ( in French or Dutch) to view the infographic of the call for projects with all phases and important dates.

The laureates

We received 137 files by the October 2016 deadline. Based on a first evaluation round, the 32 best files were invited to our Expert Day. On this day they could present their file to experts. The experts gave feedback and tips to improve this file.

The improved files were read by a jury that selected the eight best projects from the files. The projects were presented at an evening event in Flagey and each received a grant. Four projects come from Flanders, two from Brussels and two from Wallonia.

Discover the laureates of the call for projects here.


On 8 May 2019, we organised a closing event during which the 8 laureates presented their results in the presence of experts, other good practices, inspiring speakers, journalists... from here and abroad.

Discover the program of this closing event here.

Press review

Discover the articles published in the press about our call for projects and laureates here!

With the kind support of 

6 May 2016

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